Hi, I am Matt, and welcome to aretheyharmful.com. This website aims to look at the ingredients, substances, and materials of the products we consume and use daily.
I believe if we are in contact with a bunch of substances daily and they are harmful to us then there is a higher collective risk for them to harm us. That means if there are many chemicals that we come into contact with and they are below toxic levels, the overall effect on us may be toxic.
We cannot overlook the collective risk of toxic chemicals and ingredients when each is within the safe limits.
Each post will look at the possibility of the chemicals or ingredients in each product or food harming us. If you believe they are harmful based on the information then you can use the action steps in the post article to avoid that product or food as much as possible.
Here is to knowledge and better health.
Because we choose what ingredients and chemicals we want in our products and food by choosing what we buy consciously.
This website is here to help. Let's start the journey together!